Create New Test Screen

To create a new test, click on the New Test button in your Test Center.

Note: You can add a maximum of 200 questions per test.


Test Properties

You can create a test using one of three options presented on this page. You can always edit your test after you have created it, by adding, deleting, or re-ordering the questions.

First, type in a name for the test in the box provided. You might choose a name that corresponds with the job you are screening for, or with the skills included in the test.

If you select the Show Candidates Their Score box, test takers will be able to see their test results after finishing the test. This can be useful if you are using eSkill to train in-house personnel.



Option 1 - Off-the-Shelf Tests, Ready to Use

You can select one of eSkill's predefined tests if you want to quickly create a single-subject test. eSkill provides predefined tests on single subjects or on multiple subjects, which are grouped together to match specific job requirements.

If you choose a subject from the single-subject test drop-down list, a predefined 40-question test will be automatically generated. Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert questions will be included, so the test will be suitable for testing candidates of all levels.

If you are looking for a multiple-subject (job-based) test to evaluate a wide variety of skills required for a specific job, you can select the job title from the job-based test drop-down list. Each 40-question test in this section includes Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced questions, and can be previewed in the Test Center.

Please note that the predefined single-subject and multi-subject tests are standard evaluations, and therefore they cannot be edited. If you want to add or delete questions, you can copy the test and save it under a new name.

Option 2 - Generate a Multi-Subject Test

You can also choose to generate a multi-subject test by selecting a few subjects of interest and then selecting the number of questions you would like in your test. In choosing a test length, you must find the balance between keeping the test time fairly short and allowing the time to gain a greater understanding of a given candidate's skill level. We recommend no less than 10 questions per subject, to ensure ample subject coverage and the chance to assess the breadth of subject knowledge. An average question takes about 25 seconds to answer, so a 20-question test takes about six and a half minutes to complete.

By default, when you create a test, no time limit is placed on it, so candidates can take their time to read and consider their answers. They can also come back to change their answer before completing the test. But you can choose to make a test time-limited. To apply this feature, just fill in the number of seconds you want a candidate to have to answer a given question. All questions, except for typing questions and free-response questions, will then observe the time limit you have set. When the time limit has expired, the candidate will be no longer able to provide an answer, and the question will be regarded as unanswered. Candidates are not able to go back to answer a question whose time limit has expired.



Picking Subjects

Use the drop-down lists to choose from the eSkill subject areas. eSkill allows a single test to be generated automatically, including up to four subjects. This enables you to determine a candidate's fit for a job that requires multiple skills with one seamless test. When you select more than one subject, and click the Generate Test button, the resulting test will have an approximately equal number of questions per subject. eSkill's subject coverage includes most widely-used IT and office administration tools, systems, and programming languages. Of course, you may edit a test or create a new one by selecting individual questions. You can choose questions from any number of subjects, but we recommend including no more than four subjects in a test, in order to keep the test within a reasonable amount of time while allowing the candidates to demonstrate their ability within a given subject.



Skill Levels

You have the option of selecting a Beginner or Advanced skill level for each subject. If the job requires a high level of experience with a certain subject, picking Advanced will create a test that includes more challenging questions. Please note that even someone with an intermediate level of competence in a subject should be able to answer some questions correctly from an Advanced question set.



Generate Test

Once you have selected the Test Name, Length, Subjects, and Skill Levels, clicking the Generate Test button will build a randomized test that corresponds to your chosen subjects and skill levels. After the test is generated and saved, click on the Return to Current Tests button to view a list of your tests.



Option 3 - Pick and Create Your Own Questions

Select the Pick/Create Questions button if you want to create a test by choosing the subjects and/or questions individually. A Questions Summary page will appear, which allows you to copy or rename the test and choose such options as sending score notifications to candidates or colleagues, and having the questions shuffled automatically for each test taker.

Choose from the list of subjects in the drop-down screen, and click on the Pick Questions button to view a list of all of the questions in that subject. You can click on the magnifying glass icon to see the actual questions, and click through them. Clicking on the Select box in the far right column, and then selecting the Add Selected Questions button, allows you to include those questions in your test.

You can also create Free Response and Typing questions from this screen, by clicking on the corresponding buttons and entering your question and any Explanation you would like to provide as feedback. You can also put a time limit on your test or on individual questions here. Please note that per test time limits do not apply to the Typing & Data Entry questions, which are timed separately. The per test time counter pauses whenever a Typing question is opened and resumes when the test taker moves to the next question. And always remember to save questions and save your test if you want your changes to remain.