Currently, eSkill provides a variety of reports, which you can create from the Reports Screen. These include the following:
- a printable PDF version of all of the results of one test, including information for each applicant that took the test;
- a printable PDF version of the question statistics for one test, including information on the number of test-takers that selected each choice provided. This is a great tool to help you identify erratic tendencies, or to let you know when a test might not be suitable for the targeted audience, and subsequently help you improve your testing skills;
- a printable PDF version of the multiple choice answers for one test;
- a statistical report of all scores by month, summarizing all of your testing results for the month;
- a statistical report of all scores by month and by test, summarizing the results for a particular test;
- a CSV report of all the scores of a test, ready to be exported into Microsoft Excel or another data-sorting program.;
- a report of the average scores per subjects in a given test;
- the Email History of a test, so you can see who was sent the link to take the test.