Questions Summary

You can edit your test from this screen, but make sure that you click the Save Test button, either at the top or the bottom of the screen, if you want your changes to be retained.

Please note that eSkill does not recommend changing tests that job candidates have already taken, since you will no longer be able to compare their scores with those of the candidates taking the edited test. Instead, you might want to save a copy of the test and rename it, so that all scores for an individual test are comparable.

To create a copy of your test and/or rename it, use the buttons at the top of the Questions Summary screen. You can inactivate a test here if you don't want any additional candidates to have access to it. You can also choose to show the candidates their test results, or send score notifications to your colleagues.

The Passing Score field allows you to set a minimum score for a specific test, by selecting a percentage on the Edit Test page. The Passing Score appears on the Test Results and Test Results by Subject pages if it has been set to a value greater than 0.

Press the Save Test button to save any changes you make on this screen. You can use the Back button to return to the Dashboard or Test Center screen, from which you can also take the test, by clicking the Take link, or email the test to a candidate, using the Email link.

The Reorder button allows you to easily move questions around within your test. Hold down the Shift key while selecting multiple questions in order, or use the Control key to select multiple questions that are not in order.

Press the Shuffle key if you want to randomly shuffle the question order, perhaps to disguise any logic you used in creating the test. We suggest that you save the test before a shuffling operation, because it cannot be undone.

When you scroll down, you will see the questions in the order they will appear to the test-takers. The subject name, topic name, and a short description of each question appears. For typing and free response questions, the question text is provided. You can reorder the questions, using the up and down arrows at the left, view them by clicking on the Magnifying Glass icon, and select them using the box on the right if you want to delete them, by clicking on the Delete Selected Questions button below. Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to view the question banks and to add any additional questions you choose.

To add new questions, select the appropriate subject from the modular subject library, and then click the Pick Questions button. The questions available for that subject will appear, and you can view them and select them one by one. Use the Add Selected Questions button to add them to your test.

When adding questions, keep in mind that it is a good idea to provide multiple types of questions, since this requires the test-takers' full attention, and multiple skill checks are performed. You might want to follow the distribution model for eSkill subjects: 20% of your test questions could be either True/False or Fill-in-the-Blank, while the other 80% could be Multiple Choice questions (typing and free-response questions would be in addition to this).