The Dashboard screen provides an overview of your eSkill account. The most recent tests you have created are listed in the Latest Tests table on the left. You can click the All Tests button at the bottom of the table to view all of your tests. The Latest Tests table includes
the following columns of information.
- Name - displays the name you assigned to the test, which can include up to 50 characters (letters and numbers).
- Created - the date you first created the test.
- Edit - this link opens a Questions Summary screen where you can edit the test. Keep in mind that if you give a test to any candidates and then decide to change it, you will not be able to compare the test results of the different candidates as easily.
- Take - lets you take the test, as a candidate
would. Your score will be saved as an “Internal” score. Actual candidates
will be directed to take tests securely (with no administrative or score
access), using the Email button.
- Email - lets you easily email the test
instructions and link to a candidate. When you click on Email, a window opens that allows you to choose a test link that is unique for each candidate, or a link that provides general access to your test. When you click the Continue button, an
email window opens with a note providing the test URL and the correct Test ID
for the candidate to enter. . Just type in the candidate's email address, provide any additional message you wish, and click Send.
- Scores - shows you the list of test-takers' scores
for that particular test. See the Scores section for more details.
- Delete Selected Tests - permanently deletes a test and all
associated scores.
Please note that since eSkill offers additional users for the same account, some of the options described above may not be available
if the user type for your account is "individual" or "read-only."
To the right of the Latest Tests table, the Latest Score Results table keeps you up-to-date on recent test-takers' activities, and the News box includes links to eSkill's Latest Subjects, Subjects in Development, and our Latest Features.
Click on the plus sign next to each subject to view a short list, and a More button for each section that will take you to a screen providing further information, as follows:
- The Latest Subjects screen lists all of the most recent subjects added to the eSkill database, whether new or updated, and the date they were added.
- The Subjects in Development page provides a list of subjects currently in development, with estimated release dates.
- The Latest Features page provides a list of features recently added to the eSkill interface. Clicking on the question mark icons next to each feature opens a window that provides more information about the feature.
Below the Latest Tests table, the My Account box lists information about your account type and its expiration date, and a button in this box allows you to refer a colleague to eSkill and earn subscription time on your account. The Users box lists authorized users for your account.